Monday, December 5, 2011

--- Energy Output ---

Energy produced from wind turbines is sustainable, clean and varying depending upon size of the wind turbine, geographic location of the turbine and other factors like height from the ground. When considering energy produced from wind farms some important questions should be addressed like how many homes can wind energy support? How much energy will wind turbines replace that would have otherwise come from fossil fuels? How much will green house gas emissions reduce after more wind farms are built? Are the average wind speeds in the area enough to support a full-scale wind farm? Where does the energy go when the turbine generates it? These questions do not have simple answers and take some research to grasp an understanding of them. When talking about energy produced by wind turbines the units used to describe the amount of energy produced is measured in megawatts, which is equal to one million watts. The energy section of the blog is divided into and will cover research provided from three main website sources used. The sources are used to better explain these four main topics. 1. Current Energy Sources and Uses. 2.  Average Wind Speed and Energy Production Potential. 3.Average amount of energy produced and greenhouse gas emissions replacement. and 4. Net Metering Laws.  Due to the nature of some of the sources not all of the topics will be covered in all of the sources but all topics will be addressed.  The links provided will hopefully help with solve questions about energy are does not reflect the opinions or research of the authors of the wind-farm blog. 

Main Websites
1.     Source:
2.     Source:
3.     Source:

Energy Topics
I. Current Energy Sources and Uses
II. Average Wind Speed and Energy Production Potential
III. Average amount of energy produced and greenhouse gas emissions replacement
IV. Net Metering Laws

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