Below is a detailed outline of the material presented on our website. It is organized in the same manner that the posts on the Home page appear. Main topics are represented by a roman numeral (I, II, III...), and relevant subtopics with letters (A, B, C...)
I. Welcome
II. Disclaimer
III. Energy Output
A. Statement From the U.S.Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (U.S.DOE EERE)
B. Statement From the U.S. Energy Information Administration-
C. Statement From ACCIONA-North America
IV. Permits Required
V. Bat and Avian Species
A. Mortality Rates: Cumulative Estimates on the Impacts to Bat and Avian Species
B. The Final Report on Bat and Avian Studies (Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement)
C. Wind Energy Guidelines: Fish and Wildlife Service
D. Interactions with Bat and Avian Species: Turbine and Wildlife Relationships
E. Species of Special Concern in the Cape Vincent Area
F. Avoidance: Methods to Reduce Risk
VI. Health and Safety
A. The Potential Health Impacts of Wind Turbines
B. Infrasound and low frequency noise from wind turbines: exposure and health effects
C. Public Health Impacts of Wind Turbines
D. Wind Turbine Sound and Health Effects: An Expert Panel Review
E. The Health Impact of Wind Turbines: A Review of the Current White, Grey, and Published Literature
VII. Effects on Property Values
A. Values in the Wind: A Hedonic Analysis of Wind Power Facilities
B. The Effect of Wind Development on Local Property Values
C. The Impact of Wind Power Projects on Residential Property Values in the United States: A Multi-Site Hedonic Analysis