V. Species of Special Concern
The following is a list of species that are likely to experience significant impacts that result from wind energy projects. Species that are common to the Cape Vincent area are labeled with a (CV) label to the right. The order of the species listed is not an a hierarchical manner, and do not reflect any bias or any significance placed upon one species over another.
Eastern Red Bat (CV)
Indiana Bat (CV)
Northern Myotis (CV)
Little Brown Bat (CV)
Silver Haired Bat
Brazilian Free-tailed Bat
Hoary Bat
Northern Harrier (CV)
Cooper's Hawk (CV)
Red-tailed Hawk (CV)
Rough legged Hawk (CV)
Bobolink (CV)
European Starling (CV)
Red-winged blackbird (CV)
Turkey Vulture (CV)
Canadian Goose (CV)
American Crow
Prairie Grouse
Songbirds of all species
This list was largely adapted from information provided in the The Final Report on Bat and Avian Studies (Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement) for the St. Lawrence Windpower Project.
Kerns, J., Young, D., Nations, C. et al. (2007, August). Avian and Bat Studies For Proposed St. Lawrence Windpower Project, Jefferson County, New York. Retrieved from: http://stlawrencewind.com/SEIS/SectionsPDF/Appendices/AppendixE_1_BBStLawrenceWind2006FinalReport.pdf
Northern Harrier (CV)
Cooper's Hawk (CV)
Red-tailed Hawk (CV)
Rough legged Hawk (CV)
Bobolink (CV)
European Starling (CV)
Red-winged blackbird (CV)
Turkey Vulture (CV)
Canadian Goose (CV)
American Crow
Prairie Grouse
Songbirds of all species
This list was largely adapted from information provided in the The Final Report on Bat and Avian Studies (Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement) for the St. Lawrence Windpower Project.
Kerns, J., Young, D., Nations, C. et al. (2007, August). Avian and Bat Studies For Proposed St. Lawrence Windpower Project, Jefferson County, New York. Retrieved from: http://stlawrencewind.com/SEIS/SectionsPDF/Appendices/AppendixE_1_BBStLawrenceWind2006FinalReport.pdf
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